The 2005 Ocean Fever girls were finalists at the EDP Spring Classic Tournament. Great job girls!

The Fever girls played through a very cold, windy weekend of soccer down in Pittsgrove for the EDP spring classic and took home the Finalist medal . Saturday morning the girls started out playing a high ranked New York team , with a win of 3-2 . Their second game of the day was another ranked top 20 th team against Union FC Premier . The girls came out fast and aggressive to put the game away at a 4-2 win .
Sunday morning the girls had another shot at Watchung Hills , this was the team that knocked them out of the state cup in double
Overtime regulation . The Fever came out seeking revenge and was successful with a 4-0 shutout win . The final game came down to a very large , extremely fast skilled , aggressive team from Canada . The girls came up short for the championship win but played their hearts out . It was an all around team effort with goals for the weekend being scored by , Adriana Dalia (3), Natalie Feniger (3), Ally Torres (2) , Reese Zimmermann , Meghan Smith , & Kayden Clark . Jillian DeSio and Natalie Feniger controlled the midfield while Eli Clark, Jane Rogers , Julianna Conte, and Julia DeGeorge held the back defensively. Ella Hertling and Lexi Bosco contributed playing both on offense and defense . Juju Nies did a spectacular job in the net . Girls can’t wait to start their outdoor season in two weeks against Haddonfield .