Thank the Front Line Heroes Campaign - #OceanThanksYou
In appreciation for the Front Line Heroes that we all know and love, Ocean United Soccer has launched a new video campaign to recognize their efforts and sacrifices called #OceanThanksYou. As we continue our battle against COVID-19, we are learning to adapt to the new “norm” of lifestyle changes it has brought to all of us. We are isolating ourselves to keep our families safe, but when we do need help we know there are heroes on the front line of this pandemic ready to help. They are running to fires, tending to the sick and keeping us safe. They are there for us when we need them most and they truly are our Front Line Heroes. Every town has them, but we want to recognize and thank our Front Line Heroes right here in Ocean.
The #OceanThanksYou videos on YouTube below are a small way to show our support and appreciation for all of our Front Line Heroes by saying “THANK YOU” in our own way.
Please subscribe and share as we try to reach as many people as possible.
YouTube Channel:
#OceanThanksYou Video #1
#OceanThanksYou Video #2
#OceanThanksYou Video #3
#OceanThanksYou Video #4
#OceanThanksYou Video #5 TBD
If you have not sent in a picture, you still can!
We want every player to wear an Ocean jersey and take a selfie holding up a sign thanking our Front Line Heroes. Put a message of support and thanks on the sign (can be any size) and you can even decorate it with drawings or pictures – be creative! We are encouraging everyone to thank a Front Line Hero you know and include the hashtag #OceanThanksYou in one of the corners of the sign. Take a picture of the player (and any Front Line Hero if you like) holding the sign and email it to us at